Personalized Habit Change Protocols

In last week’s episode we spoke about the importance of discovering your true why for why you want to change or establish a habit before you go into a deep dive of the details of that habit change.

If you haven’t listened to last week’s episode, I recommend you go back and listen to that one before continuing with today’s episode. Today we are going to talk about the importance of overcoming skepticism and truly believing in your goal for habit change before committing to it.

This topic is one that is often overlooked and yet is so important for long lasting and meaningful life changes. If you have ever tried to change a habit and not been successful at it, today’s topic could very well be very meaningful and relevant to you.

Find the full transcript for this episode and other resources at

IBS Habit Change Personalized to You

If you have gone over the topics that the Healing Her IBS podcast has discussed, you’ve probably noticed that a lot of the suggestions that I have for your healing have to do with certain lifestyle changes that if you were able to adapt in your own life, could have a big impact in your getting better from your IBS.

Of course, we are all individuals and the advice that I’ve been giving is more general. While listening I hope that you are taking in the information and screening it for your circumstance and seeing what feels true for you.

While talking about the importance of protein or fiber for healing your IBS, needing to increase those nutrients for your diet may or may not be relevant to you specifically.

There’s no sense in trying to establish a habit for yourself that you don’t truly feel with certainty could be helpful for you. If you are just trying on new habits because you have heard that they could be good for IBS healing without checking in with your unique circumstances and belief systems, this could be a major stumbling block for you.

This alone could be delaying your progress towards healing.

Nevertheless, it’s a very common stumbling block. I have heard from so many women that have told me about protocols that they have started, or habits that they are trying to establish, and they don’t have a really strong reason for doing so besides that they heard someone mention that it could be good for healing their IBS.

I don’t really like this approach to healing IBS because it is not personalized to you, your life and what is really at the bottom of your IBS.

On top of that, it’s hard to keep going with a new habit with the consistency that you need unless you are really bought into the reason you are doing it, meaning you truly believe that it can make a difference for you.

IBS Advice & Skepticism

I absolutely understand that when it comes to IBS and how to heal your IBS, you may be at the point in your process where you are feeling slightly skeptical about all the advice that is out there.

There are people that are selling supplements and tests and protocols and probiotics and trying to convince you of once specific reason for your IBS or trying to convince you of one specific thing that will absolutely cure your IBS.

It can be easy to suggest that all someone needs to do is buy this certain thing or do this certain thing and it will cure them. Sometimes it could be just that easy, but usually it absolutely is not, especially when it comes to IBS.

How do you respond when you are advertised to or hear about new approaches to healing?

I feel lucky that while I was healing my IBS, I started to understand quickly that for me there probably wouldn’t be one quick and easy solution. I was willing to do the work of figuring out what to do and what not to do and I think I remained with a healthy level of skepticism about what was being sold to me or offered to me as a potential cure.

I was also lucky in that I was open to listening to others and trusting others with helping to heal my IBS.

I didn’t trust everyone and through this process I got even deeper in touch with my gut instinct around who and what to trust so that I could go full in on changing the habits that needed to change.

How to Trust Your IBS Gut

When you are approaching what to do about your IBS, when you have so many different roads that you could go down, decisions to make about how to use your time and money and precious energy, it’s essential that you learn how to get in touch with what you truly feel is best for you in your gut.

Of course it’s so important that we have people in our lives that can point out to us where we are stuck and where we may have some blind spots that we can work on. Of course, we often believe things that are not true and could be getting us into trouble.

 When you have people in your life you can trust that can speak with you about things in an honest, helpful and non-judgmental way, that is going to be nothing but good for you and your growth. You need those people.

But at the end of the day, you must buy in and believe what is true, what is worth it to you and what isn’t worth it, what you really have doubts about.

Before deciding on new habits to establish, make sure you:

If you decide to do something new to help you heal before exploring more deeply the why of the protocol and how it feels for you personally, the likelihood is high that it simply won’t work for you and that you will lose the steam you need to keep it up in your life.

I hope you enjoyed today’s episode.