Dealing with the symptoms of IBS can be so annoying, time consuming and frustrating to manage. Depending on what type of IBS that you have, the symptoms can vary in degree and presentation.
Many women deal with constipation and bloating as the major symptoms of their IBS. Until you’ve experienced these symptoms yourself, it may sound like it’s not that big of a deal.
For those who have had these problems in their lives, you know what a big deal it can be. But what can you do about it?
There are long term strategies to heal your IBS and then there are just the useful things you can do in the moment to lessen your pain.
Today we’ll talk about one of these in the moments aide.
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Long Vs. Short Term IBS Strategies
Mostly what I am talking about with you on the Healing Her IBS podcast is what you can do in the long term to heal your IBS for good. I am teaching you about the potential root causes for your IBS and what are things you can do daily over time that will make the biggest difference in you getting over your IBS for good.
These are lifestyle changes, nutritional approaches, movement practices and stress management that will make the biggest difference in the long-term management of your IBS.
What long term approaches are you using in your life to help you heal?
In general, I think that keeping your focus mainly on the long game of healing IBS is the smartest approach. In this way you ensure your health and your recovery from IBS.
Focusing on the long term keeps you in the mindset of feeling as good as you can every day of your life. It keeps you thinking of that future you and how you want her to live and how you want her to feel.
If you focus too much on just managing your symptoms and feeling better in the moment, without looking ahead, I’m afraid you won’t make much progress. You won’t prevent those IBS symptoms which threaten your life, disrupt it and keep you from living the life you truly wish that you could have.
Heat and Cod Liver Oil for IBS Relief
It is important though when you are in the thick of suffering with constipation or with bloating or any other uncomfortable IBS symptom, to know what to do in the moment so you can at least get a little bit of relief.
My main IBS symptoms were extreme bloating and constipation. Usually, they would come on after I ate, and sometimes they would arrive when I was particularly stressed. The physical pain was so uncomfortable and I would have to change my pants because my stomach would become so extended that I couldn’t button my pants anymore.
Then my mind would start racing as well with how bad I was feeling, I hated what was happening and had this “God not this again!” response in my mind and body.
During all this, I started going to acupuncture to help me heal my IBS. One of the things that my acupuncturist recommended to me in one of our sessions ending up being the number one thing that helped me feel physically better when I had extreme bloating.
She told me to get some cod liver oil at the pharmacy and to pour a little bit over my abdomen. She then told me to cover my belly with a towel and then put a little electric blanket or heating pad over my abdomen.
Using this heating pad and cod liver oil combination over my stomach helped me feel immensely better and I would say reduced my physical bloating by up to 50-60% most of the times that I used this strategy. Month by month, this practice was more and more effective.
Breathwork & Heat for IBS management
Another thing that I chose to do during this time of having the heated blanket over my belly was to consciously relax my body and my mind.
When I would have this bloating, I would let my husband know what was happening and he would know that I should be left alone for 15- 30 minutes so that I could relax and help myself feel better.
Once he knew how much this heating pad/ cod liver combination helped me, he was happy to take over the routine with my son or whatever needed to happen at home at night so that I could get away, be alone and relax.
How do the people in your life respond when you express needing a break?
Just giving myself the permission to rest, to relax and to give healing to myself as best as I could made a difference for me.
When I laid with the heating pad on my belly, I decided to use that time to consciously do breathe work and meditate a little. I figured it was a unique opportunity for me when I was already laying down, and I could use that time for me.
As my IBS went on, laying down on the bed and consciously relaxing evolved into a practice that I started to like. Of course, I didn’t like that I was in pain, and that I was bloated to that degree.
What I liked was the rest, the space to relax physically. The heat felt incredibly good on my belly and I knew it would make me feel a little bit better. I was so grateful to have something that worked for me to take away the pain to a great degree. Especially after so much time of having nothing in place that helped relieve the pain.
As time went on, I started to mentally focus less on the discomfort and less on resisting the painful sensations. I let it be and I just tried to use the time I had to mentally get rest and to physically release into the bed and into sensations of heat on my body.
This whole evolution didn’t happen overnight but over the course of many months.
Have you ever tried using cod liver and a heating pad to help you deal with your pain?
If you do suffer from constipation or bloating, I recommend you give this healing method a try when you are in pain. See if it helps you feel less bloated and gives you relief. I’d love to hear from you too if this did work for you , or other strategies that help with your IBS pain. Email me at erin@ or DM me on Instagram at : healingheribswellness.
Thank you for listening today and I hope today’s episode helps you.